Assemble to Perfect Hospital Bag

This is an exciting thing to do. The idea of going to the hospital and coming home with a brand spanking new baby actually starts to feel real. You have finally made it to the ‘it could be any day now’ phase of pregnancy. But what should you pack for the hospital to make your stay as comfortable as possible?

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For Mama 

Night Gown or Robe

You will want to steer clear of any PJs with pants in case you end up having a c-section and have an incision at your waistline. You may also want to check out something easy and simple for nursing and skin-to-skin. I packed my robe for the hospital, but never got to wear it. And I don’t regret it. With all the mess that comes with postpartum, I found it easier to just wear the hospital gown. No shame in my game! 

Nursing Bras 

Even if you just let it all hang loose in your hospital gown like I did, you’re going to want to wear a bra home. Having a nursing bra is a game changer. Super comfortable and is tailored to fit your new, growing boobs. Motherhood Maternity was a real help in measuring my current size and telling me what size I should go with for when my breastmilk came in. The absolute last thing you will want to do is to strap on something with an underwire. Trust me! No joke, every time I put on a nursing bra with underwire, it caused me to have clogged ducts. And you do not want clogged ducts! They are painful and eventually lead to an infection if not dealt with.

Postpartum Undies

If I could do it all over again, this is the one thing I’d change. What was I thinking? Yes, I wore those mesh hospital undies while in the hospital, but when I got home, I didn’t know what to do. I still cringe thinking about it. Whatever you do, get postpartum undies. They’re high waisted, super soft, and have leak proof lining.  


You’ll receive those slip proof socks from the hospital, but if you want to get up and walk the halls with your baby, then slippers are probably better. And comfier.  


Don’t forget to pack all the necessities like toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant (having a baby is a workout and you might not get to shower for a few days), shampoo, conditioner, and a hairbrush. I’d say overpack in this department just to be safe. 

Going Home Outfit

This might be tricky. When you leave the hospital, you’ll look about 6 months pregnant. And you’re going to have a lot going on ‘down there,’ so keep that in mind when picking out your clothes. In the warmer months, I’d choose a maxi dress, maternity leggings or something like that. Depends on if you had a c-section or not. In the colder months, maternity leggings or sweat pants are a great choice. Who cares what you look like going home. You just delivered a baby! You can wear and look however you want to!

FYI, if you do wear leggings, pack a very long shirt. Again, you’ve got a lot going on ‘down there’ and people see things. Just sayin’! 

Phone Charger

You’ll be in the hospital for days. Need I say more?


You are very limited to what you can eat and drink while in labor. It’s pretty much just jello and clear liquids. That mixed with heavy breathing of labor isn’t a good combo you’re your lips. And none of us want nasty chapped lips.  

Flip Flops

 And old pair that can be used for shower shoes.


Mamas want to be comfortable while nursing your baby. So, Boppy is the best way to go!

Postpartum Products 

All of these fabulous things will be provided by the hospital. Mesh undies, pads, pain reliver, stool softener, nipple cream, witch hazel pads, etc. FYI, you may want to purchase Tucks witch hazel pads before you go to the hospital. You’ll eventually run out of the ones from the hospital and these are great if you deliver your baby vaginally!

For Dad 


You probably won’t be the greatest fan of your S.O. when he starts eating in front of you while you’re in labor and cannot partake, but the last thing you want is for him to run out and get food. Having snacks on hand is a great idea. 


About 2-4 days worth of clothes since you never know how long you will be at the hospital. Better safe than sorry.

Pillow and Blanket

They will probably have these for Dad, but it’s always nice to bring your own. It will allow you to be way more comfortable. 

For Baby

Going Home Outfit 

Thankfully, you don’t need much for baby. The hospital will provide wipes, diapers, Vaseline, hats, blankets, onesies, and swaddles to wear while you’re there. You just need an outfit for baby to wear going home. I suggest packing a newborn outfit and a 0-3-month outfit, just in case you wind up having an extra-large baby.  

Car Seat

This is a bit of a no brainer, but you will not be able to leave the hospital without showing the nurses your car seat (and your baby strapped into it). Make sure your car seat straps are on the smallest setting ahead of time. 


If possible, it’s great to have a friend or family member on hand that is willing to bring anything you forgot. In the end, as long as you have the basics, you are good to go. The hospital is very accommodating, and if you forget something you truly need, it’s likely that they have something to help you out.


Best of luck, mama!!