Pregnancy Tips & Second Trimester To-Do List

Updated March 10, 2021

Yay for getting through the first trimester! You’re probably excited to be moving onto the second trimester, mainly because of the morning sickness. And the second trimester is when many couples take a babymoon. Thankfully, things start to get a little easier at this stage. However, there are still some things to keep an eye out for the next few months before having your baby. And right now, you probably feel like you have a ton of things to take care. That’s because you do. But never fear, I’ll guide you through, so you’ll be ahead of the game. Check out these tips for your second trimester!

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(This post may include affiliate links. If you buy something I receive a small commission of your purchase. Thanks for supporting Mama Never Clocks Out! I only share products I truly love!)

Find a Prenatal Exercise Class

If you haven’t found a prenatal exercise class, now is a great time to start checking those out. Joining a class will help motivate you to keep going with your physical health while pregnant. Another great reason for these classes is the benefits to you and your baby. The classes can lower your risk of certain pregnancy-related complications, help you sleep better, boost your energy, and get your body back to pre-baby faster. Luckily, my OB office offered free prenatal yoga classes. Maybe yours does too! If not, there’s always our handy dandy friend, Google. 

Start Thinking About Your Baby Registry 

There are a few different places you may be considering. Those places probably include the obvious ones: Babies ‘R’ Us, Buy Buy Baby, and Target.

When I was pregnant, I spent so much time looking at the different registry programs to find the one I liked most. And I didn’t want to jump straight to Babies ‘R’ Us. 

Since I took a lot of time figuring everything out, I thought it would be helpful to summarize my findings for everyone else’s benefit! Personally, I went with Amazon and Target. Amazon because they have the widest selection and they are generally cheaper than anywhere else. And Target because I had family that would rather ship in a physical store rather than online. You can check out all my findings and a few registries here.  

Speaking of Amazon, right now you can get 30-Day Free Trial of Amazon Family. Trust me, it’s a lifesaver. You get discounts on diapers, diaper genie refills, wipes, and so much more!


Stretch Mark Prevention

The second trimester is also the best time to start stretch mark prevention. To be perfectly honestly, there’s not really a whole lot you can do to prevent stretch marks. Some people are just more prone to getting them than others. I know, it’s unfortunate, isn’t it? However, there are certain ways to help your belly stretch and grow, and hopefully prevent as many stretch marks as possible.

I recommend using Palmers Cocoa Butter Stretch Mark and Pregnancy Care Kit everyday to prevent stretch marks. Used it morning, afternoon and night and I have very few stretch marks. The stretch marks that I do have, aren’t really visible either. Another thing you can do is stay well hydrated. Drinking lots of water will nourish your skin and increase its elasticity.

Just a little FYI for you…stretch marks don’t just appear on your belly. They can pop up on your boobs, bum, legs and arms. So, it’s best to just rub that Palmer’s all over.

Shopping for Maternity Clothes

Say hello to your new wardrobe! Chances are you are clothes and shows may not fit anymore. My suggestion would be to go through your closet, and set aside items that will most-likely continue to fit you as your bump grows. Take stock of what you already have, and then make a list of items you may need as your pregnancy progresses. Think about events you may be going to, and what season you should be buying for. And, then keep your eyes peeled for sales and stock up then.

Most moms start showing around 12-15 weeks. Even if you aren’t showing, you can find ways to become more comfortable in maternity clothes. Not going to lie, I loved my maternity clothes. The most comfortable clothes I found are leggings, dresses, and nursing bras.  

I would skip maternity bras and go straight on the nursing bras. Pretty much the same thing, but with the hooks. Also, nursing bras are super comfortable. Shout out to Motherhood Maternity because the fitted me for nursing bras that would fit when my breastmilk came in. Huge bonus because I was saving money on nursing bras, rather than buying maternity bras and then nursing bras. I will say, once my breastmilk came in, I started getting clogged ducts. Apparently, that was due to the underwire in my nursing bra. So, when I started wearing the nursing bras without the underwire and they are super comfortable and no more clogged ducts!

Here Are a Few Maternity Pieces You Should Definitely Purchase

  • Maternity jeans: for comfort, style, and affordable try these.

  • Nursing bras: for the most comfortable bra with no underwire, try these.

  • Workout Clothes: cause squeezing into non-maternity yoga pants or leggings isn’t fun for anyone.

  • Maternity/Nursing Tanks: these make breastfeeding so much easier after baby is born and yet are comfy with your growing bump as well…check out this discreet Motherhood Maternity tank.

  • Special Occasion Dresses for Baby Shower and Photoshoots: don’t forget to shop for your baby shower dressing and special clothing for photoshoots and such. My favorite place to shop for fancier maternity clothing is Pink Blush.

Book Your Pregnancy Photoshoot

The second trimester is the perfect time to book your pregnancy photoshoot. This is the one regret I had during my pregnancy. I wanted to do this so bad, but we were on baby budget and we just couldn't afford to do it. But I keep telling Jared, when we have another baby, I will get my photoshoot. Finances be damned! If plastering the walls with family pictures isn’t your thing, then you can skip to the next tip. But if it is, then now is the time to start researching photographers in your area and book your session.  

Hospital Tour

This is also a great time to tour the hospital before you deliver. Talk to your doctor/midwife about what to expect at the hospital for delivery, and schedule a tour if you’re able to. The second trimester is the best time to do this before you get too uncomfortable for all of that walking. When you get to go on the hospital tour, you’re able to scope out the parking situation, where to check in, and the quickest way to get where you need to go on the “big day”.

This is also where you are free to ask questions, get a feel for the staff, the hospital, seeing the labor rooms, the NICU, and what the overall experience might be like. In my opinion, this can greatly decrease your anxiety about your birth experience, and make you feel more prepared for when you do go into labor.

Gender Reveal Party 

Most women find out the gender of their baby at 20 weeks. How exciting!! 

You can choose to keep the gender of your baby a secret until the baby is born or if you want a fun time with friends and family, you can plan a gender reveal party. 


Enjoy that New Appetite

Now that the first trimester nausea is over (PTL!), you can now enjoy your new appetite. Just remember, you are not “eating for two.” I know, I know, it’s super tempting. But, you only need an extra 300-350 calories a day to sustain your growing baby. That’s about 2 handfuls of almonds (depending on your hand size). And drink lots of water. Dehydration can sometimes lead to early contractions and premature births.

During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, dehydration might pose the risk of premature births. It is one of the reasons for premature contractions

14 Symptoms Of Dehydration During Pregnancy And Ways To Prevent It
Medically reviewed by Dr. Sangeeta Agrawal (MD, OB/GYN)
Written by Rebecca Malachi (BSc)

Tell Your Boss

If you haven’t already, you need to tell your boss that you’re pregnant. They will need to know that you will be going on maternity leave, so that they may replace you while you’re out. 

This will give you time to plan your maternity leave and figure out if you will be able to take extra time off as well. Plus having your boss know you're pregnant will benefit you. 

How will it benefit you? Well, it will give them a better understanding of your needs and not question your lack of energy or frequent bathroom breaks. 

It’s always a good thing when everyone is on the same page. Especially at work. 

Interview Pediatricians

Did you know that you need to have a pediatrician for your baby when you arrive at the hospital to give birth? The second trimester is the perfect time to being interviewing pediatricians for your family. Here are some things to look for in a pediatrician…

  • A sick and healthy waiting room or hours– to keep your newborn healthy and safe during visits

  • A physician that has admission privileges at your chosen hospital/health system– so he/she can round on your baby/child should they ever need to be admitted to the hospital (including during the first 24 hours of life)

  • A physician on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week– for those middle of the night pressing questions and concerns

  • Do they accept your insurance?

  • What is their childcare philosophy? What are their views on vaccines, antibiotics, alternative medicine, bottle feeding, circumcision, sleep training, etc.?

Prepare the Nursery

This is the fun part! Since this is going to be your baby’s personal space, don’t rush getting the nursery together. Choosing colors, safety measures, styles of certain items, etc. can take a while. It’s good to start now so you can gradually get everything together before your baby arrives. 

Pinterest is a great tool for décor, layout, and organization for your nursery. I went the Pinterest route and there’s no shame in my game. I loved the idea of making repurposing a TV armoire and turning it into a changing station.  

Take Pictures of your Baby Bump

It can be a bit intimating if you’re not used to being on the other side of the camera lens, especially if you’re feeling conscious about how your look. Trust me, you’ll be thankful you have these pictures later on. These will be absolutely precious to you and you won’t care if you look swollen and disheveled.

If you are super conscious about your look (I was), then you can always take your baby bump pictures right after you’ve gotten ready for work. You’ve already done your hair and makeup and you probably have nice clothes on. Might as well, take a quick picture when you look good.

Sleeping on Your Side

Sleeping on your side from this point on with be more comfortable and highly recommended. It’s best if you get a body pillow to help you sleep every night. I needed a body pillow and a memory foam mattress in order to sleep without back pain. 

I also needed to pay attention to the side I was sleeping on as well. According experts, sleeping on your left side is beneficial for you and your baby because it improves circulation to the heart and optimal blood flow to the baby, placenta, uterus, and your kidneys. 

Whatever you do, don’t sleep on your back. This was very upsetting when I found this out since I love sleeping on my back. However, sometimes I just couldn’t help it. I would wake up and found myself on my back. It worried me, but as pregnancy went on, I just accepted the fact that I was probably going to be on my back at some point throughout the night.  

Enjoy the Best Trimester of Your Pregnancy

So, as you can see, the second trimester is packed full of fun! You’re counting down the days until your baby is ready to be born, you’re getting everything prepared for their arrival, and you’re (hopefully) taking really good care of yourself. 

Remember to make the most of this time in your life. Record all of your milestones, feelings, joys, and fill your photo reel with pics of that precious bump. Enjoy this uniquely special time. Try not to get overwhelmed and tackle each task at a time. Make sure you have support and get your significant other involved in all the planning of the parties and the to-do list. You will soon be onto your third trimester which brings other important things to do! That being said, check out the ultimate third trimester to-do list and tips here.

Now it’s your turn! Do you have any new tips to get you through pregnancy and your through your second trimester?




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